Saturday, 20 September 2014

Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos

Fish Pie Recipes Biography


This fish pie is the ultimate comfort food – creamy inside, crunchy on the top and simply delicious all the way through. Just like Mum used to make.
Fish pie is a real homecoming meal. James Martin's recipe is simple and satisfying, with salmon, hard-boiled eggs and a dash of cream.
Fish is a delicious and healthy choice on Friday night, as they are usually low in fat and high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, a nutriment that improves mental and heart functions. Fishes are usually used for starters and entrees. If you feel you are bored with these two traditional ways of eating fish, well, what about making a fish-related dessert?  Here is a fish desert recipe for you to try – fish pie:, A very simple and fast fish pie. This recipe does not use a white sauce in the fish pie. As a fair amount of people moan about that, I'll give you an explanation why. White sauce is made of butter, flour, and milk. Mashed potatoes are made with butter and milk... So the idea here is to make a fairly moist mash - so the only thing missing is the flour. If you miss it, have a spoon of it on the side ;-)
INg900g/2lb baking potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks


150ml/¼ pint single cream
55g/2oz butter, plus extra for greasing
salt and white pepper
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
225g/8oz skinless, boneless haddock fillet
450g/1lb salmon, cut from the tail piece, skinless and boneless
squeeze lemon juice
4 hard-boiled eggs, shells removed, quartered
For the parsley sauce
85g/3oz butter
large bunch of parsley, leaves only, finely chopped
30g/1oz plain flour
570ml/1 pint milk
splash of single cream, to taste

Preparation :

Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water until soft.
Drain well and mash. Add the cream and butter, then season with salt and pepper and nutmeg. Mix well until smooth and creamy. Taste, adding more seasoning if required, then set to one side.
For the parsley sauce, heat the butter in a heavy-based pan over a very low heat then stir in the parsley. Cook for about ten minutes.
Add the flour and stir well. Cook, stirring regularly, for about three minutes. Do not let the mixture brown.
In another pan, bring the milk to the boil. Pour this into the "roux" (the butter and flour mixture) a little at a time, whisking or beating after each addition until completely smooth. Whisk in single cream, to taste. Bring the sauce to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer over a low heat for 5-6 minutes.
While the sauce is cooking, pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6 and generously butter a deep ovenproof dish.
Cut the haddock and salmon into serving piece, lay in the dish, season lightly and squeeze over a little lemon juice.
Pour the hot parsley sauce over the top, place the quartered eggs evenly over the sauce and spoon over the mashed potatoes.
Bake for 35-40 minutes, until the top is crisp and brown. Serve at once.
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos
Fish Pie Recipes Fish Recipes in Urdu Pinoy Chinese For Kids Easy with Sauce healthy Asian PHotos

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